The sniper rifle lets you get through the hallway so you can get close to the enemies in the main gallery. Before heading through the dark hallway to the final gallery, grab the sniper rifle in the empty room past the mini-bar. If you need weapons, you can hold BAC or SELECT (on the console, for the PC, it's the display score-card key) and you can take account of what you need. Watch for rappelling soldiers who reinforce their allies by fast-roping in. Snipe the enemies at the bar in the next room over (from the chopper crash room) to get a few more sniper rifles. The latter is more common (and is actually the assault rifle, the former is a SMG/PDW in this game), but stick with the one you are most comfortable with. One holds 150 bullets but has a 25 round mag, the other holds 120 bullets and a 30 round magazine. Remember there are two "assault" rifles that have similar silhouettes. With an assault rifle and a marksman rifle, you should be good. Take their assault rifles (your LMG will likely be out or low by now). Watch for enemies coming out and simply kill them all. Go inside the chopper to get up top on the junked floors.

Kill and expend the ammo in this firefight to kill everyone. The crashed chopper has another LMG soldier. You can dump the LMG in the next fight - and take up a more traditional assault rifle for the rest of the stage. Take their weapons and keep the LMG around. The concierge at the end of the above gallery has three soldiers using that damn sniper rifle on you, so you have to get close and whack them. The long galleries after the chopper are great for marksman weapons, but you will need to get to them first.

Kill the enemy bird, take count of your LMG ammo (handy later), and move on. Kill him and take his ammunition if you require it. A second LMG soldier will be around the corner in the next room. The first LMG soldier will drop this handy weapon. While any weapon will damage the chopper, the LMG is certainly the most damaging.